Monday, January 25, 2010

The Possibilities

South Texas will grow by over 600,000 people over the next four years. Population will climb from 6,091,795 people to 6,696,291 people.

How can we bring the Gospel to all who live with no hope in the living Savior, Jesus? Is the challenge impossible? Is the task too great?

Jesus said in Luke 10:2, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

Jesus wants us to ask for workers.

What if 10% of everyone who worships in an Area C LCMS congregation steps up to be trained as Missional Worker? That would be over 1600 people.

What if each of those people recruited 3-5 people to become Missional workers after the one-year training? That would result in up to 8000 people reaching out into neighborhoods, schools, nursing homes, moms groups, work-places and more. What if those 8,000 people raised up 3-5 more workers each? Do you realize that in 3-5 years 40,000 people in South Texas could be reaching nearly half a million people with the love of Jesus Christ--reaching people we may have never imagined reaching with the Gospel?

What if the Lord of the harvest sends workers? What if God's people unleash a movement of mission that saturates our state with the transforming news of Christ crucified and risen?

In Luke 10:3 Jesus said, "Go! I am sending you!"

If you're interested in Missional Worker Training, go to

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