Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Are You Still Running?

I ran across some friends at the store the other day. I haven’t seen them in a while, so we spent some time getting caught up. They asked me a question almost everyone who hasn’t seen me in a while asks: “Are you still running?” It’s a question that contains these thoughts: “Are you really crazy enough to keep doing that?” “Haven’t you broken down yet after all those miles?” “Is this a short phase or long phase you’re going through in your life?” I’ve been running since 1977. It used to be a warm weather pastime for me, but in 1990, as I settled into lots of desk sitting, long meetings, and stressful situations, I knew I had to have regular cardiovascular activity in my life. In January 1991 I resolved never to miss a week of running. To this day I haven’t. I call it my “week streak.” I take rest days, but I never miss a week. So, when people ask me if I’m still running, it’s like asking if I’m still breathing or eating. I wonder if our perspective about being a disciple of Jesus is similar to the “Are you still running?” question. When I was growing up, discipleship had a cognitive emphasis. It was like math class: learn the facts, perform well on the academic exams, but don’t ask too much about how you’ll use this in real life. Discipleship, however, is not just a cognitive pursuit. Following Jesus is like breathing and eating; it’s every day, every moment, life. It’s a part of you. In relationship with Jesus and others, you are on mission together. Everything becomes saturated with the importance of knowing and showing Christ and the life He gives. It’s not just a “church” thing or a “Sunday School” thing; it is a life thing. This is something the world craves. People yearn to make a meaningful difference, and people need hope. That’s what Jesus gives. People aren’t craving cognitive discipleship; they crave action and meaning. What “life things” have become nonnegotiable components of your day-to-day existence? Is being a disciple one of them? Are you finding more people who will join you in the discipleship boom?

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